VRDET-OP: Destination Marraketh Seg #5: o/~ ... Down in the valley o/~ Shadur t'Kharn ****** Clearing in the mountain forest, Chi-Lin side Early morning, next day ****** Shadur slowly and reluctantly drifted back to awareness, wanting to sleep on but inexorably nagged into full consciousness by the twittering of a forest bird. Rens was still dozing blissfully, apparently not bothered by the sound, but Shad decided to take safe before sorry and fry the bird. He carefully lined up a nostril and started to take in air. *short, controlled blast. It'll be Kentucky Fried songbird before it realizes it's getting warm.* Just before he was about to let fly, he spotted a small black cat stalking the same bird. Recognizing Nexx's feline form, he held off and merely watched as Nexx pounced, catching the surprised bird neatly in a death grip around its neck. Shifting back to human form with the still-struggling bird in her mouth, she reached up and cracked its vertebrae, silencing its terrified squawks. "Good catch," he murmured. Nexx turned around. "Thanks. A rather tasty catch as well, albeit a noisy one." {*chuckle*} *When'd you wake up?* {When that scwewy boid bit the bullet} Shad grinned, then got up and stretched elaborately. "The bird didn't wake you up, did it?" Nexx inquired. "I was trying to shut it up before it woke everyone." "I wasn't asleep." Shad answered. Nexx looked at him strangely. "Then what were you doing? Pretending to be asleep?" "No, *I* was asleep," Rens put in, amusement tinging his voice. Nexx raised an eyebrow. "You weren't asleep, you were sleeping.... You're not going senile on me, are you?" Shad grinned. "Rens was asleep. I was not." Now both eyebrows shot up and stayed there. "Waitaminit, I thought *you* were Rens..." her stance shifted to an aggressive one. "Where'd Rens go? And who are you?" {*cackle* I'll take that call} "Oh, I'm here, no fear... And that was Shad." Nexx stared at him for almost a minute before shrugging. "Suit yourself. Anyways, it's almost 7 AM. Think we should wake the others? We really need to get moving..." Rens's mindform grinned like a maniac. So did Shad. "Sure, but you might want to plug your ears, as in *rrrrright nowwwwww*....." Nexxus was sharp, alright; the moment he started taking in air she got the picture and clenched her hands over her ears. {Okay, that one in the foyer really sucked. Let's do it again and this time get the volume right...} * * * R R O O O A A A R R R R R ! ! ! * * * The bellow seemed to shake the very mountain and knocked over the shelter in which the currently human members of the party were sleeping, turning it into a chaotic jumble of struggling silhouettes and collapsing poles as three people tried to scramble to the exit in three different directions. Nexx stifled a snigger as Selvane leapt out, clad in his underwear and his gun in his hands, followed by a slightly pissed-off- looking Aris and a woozy Phoenix. "What the hell was that?" Selvane asked, looking around for the source of the attack. Aris, slightly more awake and pondering being it, shot Shad a dirty look. "That was the sound of one dwagon roaring." she replied with a glance that added, "and if you even think of doing that again I'll personally rip your scales off one by one," although the yawn kind of ruined the effect. Phoenix yawned as well. "What time is it?" "7 AM, and high time we got moving," Nexx replied. "I caught breakfast if anyone feels like noisy bird." "What?" Selv asked. "Bird. If you want it, go ahead. I don't eat things I kill if I can help it. I can pack the shelter while you eat." Nexx answered. "I'll help." Shad volunteered. Within ten minutes the shelter was reduced to a small cubic package that Nexx fitted into her backpack. Nobody apparently was really hungry since the bird was still untouched when Nexx straightened up and clapped her hands. "Okay, let's move out!" **** About four hours later they hit upon the trail Nexx had mentioned and started up it, grateful for the slightly easier way up. Even so, by mid afternoon most of the humans were pretty much exhausted with apparently half the mountain still to go. Nexx stopped in midstride, threw her pack down, sat on the ground beside it and pulled out her canteen. "I need a break. We're not going to get there any faster by walking ourselves to death, and we're not going to be able to stage much of a rescue when we're all about to fall over." Aris and Phoe muttered agreement and plopped down as well. Shad padded over to a sunny spot and basked. Selvane apparently didn't feel much of the lighter air or the chill, and remained standing. "I'm not tired. I'll scout up ahead while you take your break." Stalking off, he continued "I'll yell if I spot anything." Everyone enjoyed the break, but it was short-lived as Selv returned after less than five minutes, excited and slightly out of breath. "Nexxus, did you run across a ghost town last time you were here? Because the trail leads into one less than thirty yards ahead." Nexx looked into the distance while she searches her memories. "No, there was only a trail last time I was here. It's probably a different trail..." She shrugged. "We might as well check it out. We need to get going anyways." A chorus of minor groans greeted this statement, but everyone duly got up and followed her. A few minutes later the Rangers were standing outside the remains that had once been a human settlement, now overgrown with moss and plants. It was still plain to see that the trees had been forcefully removed from a large clearing at the opening to a valley, but it been abandoned for aeons and the forest was slowly reclaiming its own. The only "road" through the town was the trail they stood on, and they could see it snaking out on the other side. The utter silence only added to the sense of total desolation pervading the clearing. "What was this place?" Phoenix wondered aloud "It looks more like a military outpost than a settlement," Shad observed, pointing out the remains of a Roman encampment-style ditch-and-wall. "A normal settlement would've had more roads through it. And look at the way it's situated- it's effectively a plug in the crack that valley makes in the mountains. Nexx, were Marraketh and Chi-lin ever at war?" "Not really, but way back when they were one nation they split up because of a massive dispute... That kinda cooled relations a lot... I guess this was one of the army posts built in that time just in case it would ever come to a war." "... but instead Marraketh became a fairy tale, and the post was abandoned just like the war..." Shad mused. His train of thought was interrupted by a loud meowing coming from Nexx' backpack. Everyone turned almost at once, but Aris was the first to ask the question."What in the world do you have in there, Nexx?" Nexxus looked puzzled for a second. "Just my 'Linker," she replied as she started rummaging in her pack, "but it's supposed to be broken....." She pulled it out and opened it, frowning. Phoenix opened his mouth to make an amused comment about the meowing when Nexx yelped. "Oh Hell! It's from Mal, or at least it's got his initial at the bottom. Look at this!" She said, turning it to face the others. Shad read the message and muttered a curse as his blood ran cold. Mal was in position already, which was good. He apparently had found some way to influence the situation, which was better. The situation was rapidly plummeting beyond even Mal's normally Machiavellian control, which was bad. Very bad. *At the rate we're going we'll be lucky to get there in a couple of days.* {So we move faster.} *We can't leave the others behind!* {We won't.} With that, Shad yelled "Hang on!" as he reached out telekinetically and pulled everyone on to his back. Not pausing to check if everyone had found handholds already, he sprinted away to the shouts and yells of alarm and surprise, leaving the former army post behind him in seconds. Shad bounded ahead, faster than an attacking lion, leaping six-meter-wide crevasses, clambering up rock formations and dodging around trees. The few animals that lacked the sense to get out of the way ended as brief, flat squeaks. After less than half an hour, during which the others had all found someplace to sit or hold on more or less comfortably, Shad clambered up over the edge of a plateau and saw the other side of the mountains stretched out below him. Instead of slowing down however, he accelerated, spreading his wings and leaping off the other edge, causing a renewed chorus of panicked yells in the few seconds of free fall before the wind caught beneath his wings. Shad spotted the nearest convenient thermal and went for it, wings beating furiously for altitude. Upon reaching it he leveled off, going for pure speed. As his minds settled into the Zen-like state of flying he was vaguely aware of the screaming from his back quieting down. It took him a while to remember why. {Oh yeah... Air up here too thin.} *So get lower. We need to do some groundhugging anyways just in case someone is paying attention to the skies..* {Good point. Suggestions?} *Down there. That canyon winds all the way through the mountainside.* Shad looked down to where a jagged crack marred the smooth slopes, looking for all the world as if a titan had slammed his fist down on the ground to crack it. Narrow, winding and utterly concealing from anywhere not directly above. Excellent. He folded his wings and dove sharply towards it, gaining even more speed and engendering a renewed series of screams from the ones on his back who still had their eyes open as the canyon seemed to rush at them like an opening maw. At the last possible moment Shad opened his wings again and with a tremendous lurching flap leveled off horizontally again, the walls of the canyon rushing past but a few metres from the tips of his wing talons. Ahead of him he saw the canyon walls curve left in the first leg of a long series of winding turns. And again, there was no conscious thought. Just Rens pulling out a top-view image of the entire canyon and their place in it, and Shadur taking that map and flying with it, never missing a turn or taking a wrong path. Neither noticed the screaming stopping and ceding place to a breathless silence. 15 minutes of high-speed flight later, they shot out of the canyon like a cork from a bottle of champagne in an earthquake and Shad slowly became consciously aware of the world again. {First ones, what a rush....} *Quite a flight, I'll grant... Hey, is that Cal?* Shadur looked more closely in the direction his bondmate indicated. Sure enough, one of the five humans standing at a crossroads oblivious to his approach as they were engaged in conversation, was slightly built and carried what appeared to be a keyboard under his arm. {Either you're right or whatever deity created this dimension has to die horribly.} With the sweep of a wing, Shad brought them around, circling to land near the group. TBC....