---------------------------------- VRDET-OP: The Marraketh Connection "Rentrez" by: Red Paladin ---------------------------------- *A Lyran with a cat?* Red turned away, half-peeking, as the Lyran removed its mask to reveal... Malaclypse. The cat disappeared and was replaced by Nexxus. "Get me out of here! Hurry, they took Kat somewhere!" Red explained from behind the bars excitedly. A faint groan escaped from Josh's mouth. "Hurry..." He slowly opened his hands to reveal dungeon keys. They were just within Red's reach. He grabbed them and let himself out. "We have to save him!" he cried. "Him? He's the reason Kat was captured in the first place!" Nexx said in disgust. "He's nothing but a no good Sponge." "He tried to _save_ Kat though! He came and unlocked her cell. This one Sponge shot him." Red regained his composure as the excitement triggered the Fire[tm] and his voice grew cold. The T-shirt he was wearing could no longer hold anymore blood and it began filling the cracks in the floor. "It's... too late... for... me. Save Kat!" he said, in barely a whisper. "Convert her..." He slumped down. Red ran to the table with his weapons on it. Donning the Cloak[tm], he quickly replaced all the equipment to their proper places. Mal and Nexx had heard all they needed and headed upwards, with Red, invisible now, trailing not too far behind. Suddenly, the Hell Chant began playing and shook the very walls of the castle. Mal bursted through the door. He had shed his Lyran robe while climbing the stairs. Nexx came up beside him, while Red followed shortly afterwards. The entire room was filled with royalty, Red judged by their clothes. It was like a ball, only tension took the place of good cheer. The Hell Chant droned on incessantly. Mal aimed a pistol, and shot at a bar that lock a door across the room, and almost immediately, the remaining Rangers, accompanied by a squad of others entered the room, instantly colliding with the guards. The gathering scattered, searching for any exit. Chaos replaced tension and only Mal, Nexx, Red, Kat and a tall skinny man, beside her stood neutral. The music was so loud, it was almost deafening. Other sounds started, and clashed with the Bad[tm]. Red assumed it was Good Music playing but could not recognize the song. The man said something in Marrakethian, then he and Kat seemed to fall into a trance though from the way she looked, it seemed like she was being pulled in. The guards at the door had been subdued. Thirty seconds later, the tall man's body exploded, and Kat fainted. The evil song stopped. Several minutes passed, while Nexx tried to wake Kat. Red was relieve when she finally sat up. "... get up off the floor," Nexx said to Kat. "Where the heck did you go, Red?" a familiar voice suddenly asked. Red turned his attention to this question. Red spotted Bryn, and quickly unCloaked[tm]. "Oh! Bryn, it's you! You look... uh, taller." *So much for short jokes* he mused silently. "Hmm? Oh, I went to find Kat," he explained to Bryn. "And?" "Well, I found her," Red replied. "Yeah, after you got yourself captured," Mal interjected. She snickered. "Captured? Smooth move, Mr. Ace Paladin. And to think I thought you just deserted me again." "Deserted you? Come on! After my daring rescue..." "Yeah, you and the entire Dewpoint standing army." Red smiled, trying to look indignant. "Never mind... we can continue this line of thought in the commissary." "You mean..." "Yeah, at HQ. We _are_ going back someday, aren't we?" I said. The sarcasm came back and Red knew she was fully back to normal. * * * * * "Get those fluid-dynamics results to me when you're done, will ya?" Red said to the tech. He was running the computer simulations to test whether or not his Gryphons' airworthiness. He was pretty sure they would fly, but exactly how well they did was another question. "Will do," the tech replied. "Thanks." Red had finish what the rescue mission had interrupted. He wanted to get this project done so he could move onto designing a vehicle for himself. After receiving his license (even though it was only a learner's permit), he wanted to make sure he had something to drive when the full license kicked in. He was glad that Kat was back. Everything would return to normal (as normal as things get in the Jihad). With organizations organizing and re-organizing, Red was finally happy everything was being rebalanced. That reminded him. He had better get ready to leave. He was going to visit some universities this summer. With one year before leaving high school, he needed to get some information. *Hmm, McGill? Maybe.* Stopping off at his room, he rummaged through the semi- clutter of his desk, picked up his backpack, and began stuffing his multitude of disks, tapes and sketch pad into it. *What am I missing?* "Mmm, my new 'linker," Red mumbled. He searched the bed and found hidden under his pillow. "No wonder it was so hard," Red mused and put it in the pack too, then headed out. He past the library. He had forgotten to give Bryn's book back. He found her in the library, reading again. "Hey, Bryn. Here's your book." She stood up, surprised at not hearing Red's approach. "Thanks. Good dungeon reading?" *Doh! I'll never live that down* he remembered painfully, the meal when that story was told. His expression showed none of that though. "You up for some Red Alert?" Red grinned. "We'll make it two out of three." "You're on," she replied. "I don't lose twice ya know." "Maybe..." Red said. "But you could lose three times," he laughed. The first game since the rescue mission, Red lost horribly. He assumed that the same tactics would work again. It was a very bad assumption. The tie-breaker however, was a different story. Red went for a "multiple-bases-with-flame- towers-everywhere" strategy which dominated the entire map. He was gathering more mineral than he knew what to do with. A flood of mammoth tanks complemented with twenty MiGs was its result. He guarded all unclaimed areas of revenue forcing Bryn to remain defensive. Escorting the ore trucks prevented them from being destroyed. Careful advancement, rather than reckless charging (like before) eventually won the game for Red. "Well, that was fun," Red said, smiling. "That wasn't fair. You didn't let me get any money!" she half-pouted. This caused Red to laughed more. "Well, I gotta go," Red said. "I said I'd meet some friends back home. We'll play again sometime later." As he passed through the door out of the library. "In the meantime, learn to play bett... ahh!" he added, then seeing Bryn speeding up to chase him. He laughed as he ran. Practically jumping through a shadow, he started on his way home. "Bye!" The End... for Now! (C) A Neutral&Chaotic Production, 1998. Neutral&Chaotic Publishing since 1997. ---------------------------------------------------------------- The preceding segment is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locals or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.