VRDET Op: The Marraketh Connection Segment #9: "Song birds - Breakfast of Rangers." By: Nexxus Kline ================================================== The night went by slowly, and was suprisingly uneventful for such a remote location. She had been expecting more than just a couple of random beasts watching from the edge of the clearing. It may have had something to do with Shad though. After all, it was a rare thing for a dwagon such as himself to wander through these woods, a very rare thing indeed. The next day started off as soon as the sun rose, thanks to a very rude bird that was in the habit of serenading the sun. Unfortunately for the bird, as it was about to find out, he'd chosen the wrong tree to sing from. "Wha..?" Nexx grumbled quietly, perking her ears and looking up. She narrowed her eyes slightly. A Bird. "Better shut that thing up before it wakes everyone." she thought, having a stretch at the same time. Unstretching herself, she sat up and sniffed the air. "Breakfast time!" she thought. "Singing bird, prepare for the final curtain." She padded quietly towards the tree, staying low to the ground so the bird wouldn't see her. Unlikely considering the thing was busy crowing it's head off. She crouched down, eyes narrowed, tail flicking. Mr. Big mouth bird was sitting on a low branch, mistake number two on his part. Nexx narrowed her eyes till they were barely open, setting her sights on the birds neck, her tail flicking slowed till just the tip was twitching and she settled into her crouch-spring position. "The show, Mr. Bird," she said. "Is now OVER!" and with the last word, she leapt, her mouth closing around the silly birds long neck. It let out a feeble cry of surprise, flapping it's wings in an attempt at defending itself but Nexx bit down harder and batted it with her paws, claws extended. This caused the bird to lurch backward, in an attempt to escape the attack, which in turn sent the pair crashing to the forest floor with Nexx landing on top of the bird. She morphed herself into human form, keeping her paws where they could grab the birds neck once they became hands, and snapped the birds neck. It gave off one last strangled attempt at a cry as it died. Nexx picked herself up off the ground and dusted herself off. "That'll teach you to sing." she said, bending down to pick up the bird. As she stood up again, she heard a rumbling voice comment, "Good catch." She turned around to see Shad regarding her, still lying curled up but with his head raised and eyes open. "Thanks." she replied. "A rather tasty catch as well, if a bit on the noisy side." Shadur grinned, then unfolded and got up in one massive origami-esque move, stretching like a cat. "The bird didn't wake you up did it?" she asked. "I was trying to shut it up before it woke everyone." "I wasn't asleep." came the reply. "Then what were you doing?" She questioned. "Pretending to be asleep?" she asked, tossing the bird down on a log near their previous night's campfire. "No, I was asleep." came the cryptic reply. Nexx raised an eyebrow, "You were not asleep, and you were sleeping... sounds a bit like mental confusion to me." she stated. "Are you going senile?" Shadur regarded her amusedly. "Rens was asleep. I was not." "Oh!... oh... wait a minute, I thought you *were* Rens," she said, suddenly becoming a bit confused. "Where did Rens go? And who are you?" He tilted his head slightly to one side. "Oh, I'm here, no fear... And that was Shad." Nexx regarded him silently for a few minutes in an attempt to let the idea sink in. She had never stopped to consider a thing like this before. There had never been a need to, she was Nexxus no matter what form she took and had always assumed this applied to everyone else who shapeshifted. "OK." she replied with a slight shrug. "It's about 7 AM, you think we should wake the others? We really do need to get moving." Shadur grinned evilly. "You might want to plug your ears right now...." Nexx looked blank for a moment more until the sight of him taking a deep breath painted the picture, at which point she covered her ears with her hands and held on tightly as a deafening roar seemed to shake the very mountain. Nexxus put her hand over her mouth in an attempt to keep from laughing as a rather excited looking Selvane came flying out of the shelter with a gun in his hand, followed by a very disgruntled Aris and a still half asleep Phoenix. "What the hell was that?!" Selvane asked, ready to shoot on a moments notice. "It was a 'roar'." Aris stated through a yawn. "A *dwagon* roar to be exact." she continued, giving Shad a dirty look. "What time is it?" Phoenix asked, yawning as well. "It's seven, we really do need to get going." Nexx answered. "I caught breakfast if anyone is hungry for bird." "Hungry for what?" Selvane asked. "Bird." she said, pointing towards what looked like a large pile of pink and blue feathers. "If you want it, go ahead. I'm not really in the mood for fowl this morning. I'll pack up the shelters while you guys eat." *** It was 8:30 before they were all packed up and moving out of the clearing. With a bit of luck, they'd come very close to the summit by nightfall. All energy was focused on getting to Marraketh, Kat's life depended on it. The terrain was becoming more and more difficult. Thick forest began to thin out a bit and large boulders started to appear at regular intervals. They soon found themselves climbing more than walking and this slowed their pace considerably, the snow making the whole situation worse. Despite all that stood to hold them back, the pushed forward with determination. TBC in "Please fasten your seat belts"